Hello, my much neglected blog and readers (are there even any?)
Our Team Retreat has just ended. Lotsa fun with awesome food from Mad Jack Cafe and Hyatt's Straits Kitchen, and our Vegan and Apple pot pies from the baking session.
Picture courtesy of AS =)
And now although we're piled with different projects, we're all uber enthusiastic about our upcoming themed D&D. Bought our costumes online a couple of days back, and expecting it to arrive next week. And, riding on Black Friday sale in USA, i've just helped them order accessories from F21 before work today. Next up will be the make-up tryout. Exciting!
Well, of course the peak period begins in less than a month. So we're resting up and preparing for the madness. My team is tying up the loose ends for the current project, then i'll be helping out with part of the Orientation.
Busy? Definitely, but happy.
Credits to Poppy for being super duper sweet all these while. He bought us the tix to the 3D Puss In Boots, and we had a great time yesterday evening.