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December 26, 2012

My little drama mama - Sascha

Was admitted to Mt. A on 25 November, a day after our trip to Pontian, as there was watery discharge. We weren't sure if the waterbag had burst or it was hind leakage, so Dr. Ben suggested that I get admitted in order for his relief gynae, Dr. Claudia, to get me checked.

Put on CTG for monitoring

 Got discharged on Sunday, after confirming that waterbag was still intact. Although, we were encouraged by the relief doctor to induce labor (since cervix was already dilated and contractions have started albeit irregular), Hubby preferred to wait for our gynae to return from his holiday.

That same night, regular contractions kicked in.

Poppy reminded me to take my last belly photo. Hah!

0200hrs - 0800hrs
After the day's false alarm, I decided to quietly time the contractions on my own, lest I raise another false alarm. 

Got Hubbs to SMS gynae for advice.

While waiting for clinic to open, had a bloody show. 

At the clinic, we were told not to panic, and to admit to hospital in the evening, unless pain relief is required immediately.

Waiting game commenced. Laid around in bed for close to 4hours after brunch, before leaving for hospital. Contractions were regular, but still manageable.

Dilation: 2.5cm
Gynae arrived to break the waterbag. Sascha's hand was lodged in the pelvis with her head, and I was advised to take epidural as there could be a possibility of emergency C-section. Was pretty disappointed at that point in time, since I've endured so far. Told gynae I'll sit on the idea a bit and see if things take a turn. Put on saline drip for hydration, and waiting game resumed.

Dilation: 3 - 5cm
After some pep talk, Sascha has miraculously shifted her hand away! Again, the nurse offered option of pain relief. (I have yet to use the nitrous oxide up to this point, simply because I've clean forgotten about it). Under desperation (contraction readings peaked at 127), and thinking that she was referring to epidural, I quickly signed the papers.

Dilation: 9cm
Anaesthetist Dr. Yvonne Lim arrived but epidural is no longer possible since cervix is almost fully dilated. Within minutes, it was at 10cm, and I could no longer suppress the urge to push. Nitrous oxide was administered. I was cautious about the quantity I inhaled, thanks to the horror stories I've heard about the post-partum side effects. In any case, the gas pretty much did its job and I was rather zonked out.

"Pop! Goes the weasel."
Of course, I wish it was all that easy. Good thing was, the bursts of contractions became "windows of opportunity" for pushing. Under the influence of the gas (ya, right!), I suddenly turned into an emo freak, and remember repeatedly apologizing for the futile attempts at pushing, and taking so long.

Hubbs and the nurses pressed on and repeatedly motivated me by telling me that they can spot BB's crop of thick, black hair. Now, I can fully comprehend the phrase "
用了吃奶的力", because I practically squeezed every possible ounce of energy I have in each push.

Suddenly, there was a huge sense of relief. I could feel the depressurization in my tummy (akin to the sudden deflation of a balloon). 

The "poop" is out!
It was surreal. And boy, was that a huge piece of "poo".

Everything was a blur from then. I've clean forgotten about the fact that at Week 36, she still had the umbilical cord around her neck. And, I couldn't even make out if it was Poppy or the gynae who cut the umbilical cord. But, one thing's pretty clear. When Poppy thanked the gynae, I could hear the tremble in his voice, and it was obvious that he was trying to stifle his tears of joy (or that of fear, for what unknown horrors his Princess is going to bestow upon him). Haha.

Smiley Baby Sascha