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November 21, 2013

Sascha is turning One!

I am constantly in awe of how fast time slips past, especially when life is joyful and fulfilling.

Less than a year ago, I was still carrying my teeny babe in my tummy, suffering from heartburns and insomnia. Now, my infant is all grown up, and is turning into a terrible terrific tot.

Oh my, how she has blossomed!

To commemorate the little steps Sascha has taken thus far, I made a short video montage.
Hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did making it.

It is said that a picture speaks a thousand words. I say a word paints a thousand pictures.
And the ones we're painting now are all about LOVE.

September 13, 2013


Here's Papa and Mama with Sascha, at her first National Day celebration, at the Baby's Day Out organised by NTUC UFamily.

She has achieved a long list of "Firsts" as she reaches her 9th month.

2013.08.XX (8MXXD) - Cruising along with support
2013.08.03 (8M07D) - First National Day celebration
2013.08.09 (8M13D) - First indoor playground experience
2013.08.14 (8M18D) - First successful crawl forward
2013.08.25 (8M29D) - First gym experience
2013.08.30 (9M04D) - First sat up successfully from tummy position
2013.09.04 (9M09D) - First successful attempt on potty

And, now she has 8 teeth, with her pre-molars popping out soon!

We recently had a photoshoot done with Sascha's group of friends and Mommies. Dr. Ludwig did an awesome job! Here are two of my favourites.

And before I end, here's another picture of my little "Summon Auntie" on her playmat, waiting for Papa to get ready, before her Sunday music class.

July 31, 2013

July 2013

Putting up a post before the month of July ends. 
Yes, my brother has graduated! And, here's a picture of Sascha, not being entirely cooperative as you can see.

Time has slipped past quietly... well, it can't exactly be quiet when you have an infant babbling, giggling, or bawling every other minute, but the point is that Sascha turned 8 months last week! Times flies!

Hardly have any time to blog these days. Weekdays, I'm diving through work, squeezing in pump sessions in the afternoons, and rushing home on the dot to see Missy. Weekends are packed to the brim - sending Mom home every Friday/Saturday, swim sessions on Sundays with Isabelle, trial classes every now and then, and never seeming to be able to get enough rest for the work week. Took a week-long break last week, and I cleverly (not!) jammed in a couple of playdates after returning from my short trip to Bangkok, and ended up feeling more tired than before.

That said, it has been a whole lot of fun (Minus the diaper rash, teething woes, of course. Her 6th tooth has just cut through, I'm hoping the next one doesn't cut soon coz I'm totally not looking forward to getting back a cranky baby.). Since Sascha grasped the skill of sitting up at about 4 months, life has been a tat easier, and I can leave her on the playmat/in the play yard while I do my chores. Well, I know, soon she'll be crawling/walking/dashing across the house, and I'll find myself chasing after her again. Oh well...

Before I end off, here's one of my recent favorites taken at a steamboat restaurant. Sascha was caught trying to hynoptize, okay, maybe more of mesmerize, her Papa into giving her something to eat. This happens whenever her Poppy is home, and ignoring her. She'll go "baba, baba" the whole day, trying to get him to play with her. Mama feels totally left out. Bah!

Look at that cheeky face!

June 15, 2013

Happy Daddy's Day

Dear Poppy

Happy Father's Day

With Love
Mama & Sascha

April 01, 2013

Sascha's 4th Month

Our sweetie, together with Papa, at the kids salon on her 1st and 4th months, for her second haircut.

How do babies multi-task so well?
Here's Sascha snoozing and looking cute in her smurfette cap.

Marie biscuits, chives, and drumstick. Om nom nom.
Our baby is ready for solids!

March 01, 2013

Growing Up

Pictures taken in her favorite seat, a month apart

Growing rapidly to fit into her stroller within 2 months

Blooming from teeny weeny to sturdy turdy

February 08, 2013

The first days

26-Nov-2012: Our little bun, fresh out of the oven!

First picture with Mommy

28-Nov-2012: First day home