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July 31, 2013

July 2013

Putting up a post before the month of July ends. 
Yes, my brother has graduated! And, here's a picture of Sascha, not being entirely cooperative as you can see.

Time has slipped past quietly... well, it can't exactly be quiet when you have an infant babbling, giggling, or bawling every other minute, but the point is that Sascha turned 8 months last week! Times flies!

Hardly have any time to blog these days. Weekdays, I'm diving through work, squeezing in pump sessions in the afternoons, and rushing home on the dot to see Missy. Weekends are packed to the brim - sending Mom home every Friday/Saturday, swim sessions on Sundays with Isabelle, trial classes every now and then, and never seeming to be able to get enough rest for the work week. Took a week-long break last week, and I cleverly (not!) jammed in a couple of playdates after returning from my short trip to Bangkok, and ended up feeling more tired than before.

That said, it has been a whole lot of fun (Minus the diaper rash, teething woes, of course. Her 6th tooth has just cut through, I'm hoping the next one doesn't cut soon coz I'm totally not looking forward to getting back a cranky baby.). Since Sascha grasped the skill of sitting up at about 4 months, life has been a tat easier, and I can leave her on the playmat/in the play yard while I do my chores. Well, I know, soon she'll be crawling/walking/dashing across the house, and I'll find myself chasing after her again. Oh well...

Before I end off, here's one of my recent favorites taken at a steamboat restaurant. Sascha was caught trying to hynoptize, okay, maybe more of mesmerize, her Papa into giving her something to eat. This happens whenever her Poppy is home, and ignoring her. She'll go "baba, baba" the whole day, trying to get him to play with her. Mama feels totally left out. Bah!

Look at that cheeky face!