many are wondering why Will’s always addressed at "NeuNeu" when he's not even born in the lunar year of Ox (牛).here’s the story…
1) in one of our conversations over the phone, long before we got together, I passed a remark in Mandarin saying: "对牛弹琴" – literally "play music to a cow" a Mandarin 成语 (four-character idiom) with a similar meaning to "cast pearls before swine". and the next thing he said really threw me off the couch.
"你弹琴那么好听,牛听了都会跳起来" – meaning the music I play sounds so good that the cow will jump up and dance.
2) in another conversation after his jog, he was complaining of fatigue due to lack of sleep the night before… I took my chance to dig at him and said "哎哟,我的老牛跑不动了".
since then he’s been crowned the glorious nickname of "NeuNeu" also known in Mandarin as "牛牛". And every time he calls, his nickname is announced in grandeur by my phone’s function "Say Caller’s Name", my mommy will laugh out loud.
I just think it’s cute.