Nuffnang Leaderboard

January 01, 2010

New Year. New Resolutions.

it is the time of year when people begin to make promises to themselves, most of which are broken within a few months. that's right, i'm referring to New Year's resolutions.

everyone has published their resolutions for the new year on either their blog, facebook or twitter status.

let's see what i have on my list this year..

1. cut down on sprees
relatively hard now that i've found my way to buy stuff not just from US, UK but also Korea at the comfort of my home. ok, skip this.

1. continue to buck up on my exercise regime
2009 was a good start.
now that i've moved in with Poppy, let's hope he''ll continue to keep me motivated

2. i will attempt (at least a little) DIY for my wedding
i resolve to add some personal touches (or at the least attempt to do so).
on side note, i was (or still am?) infamously known in the family for my 三分钟热度 lit. short-lived enthusiasm. i need some whipping from my bridesmaids.

3. increase my moolah
alright, i figured i probably won't be able to save much because of my terrible shopping habits. since i can't save more, i shall earn more then! more OT!

need help with ur resolutions?
check out this cool application

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!