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March 04, 2010

Last night...

Poppy complained that i haven't been cooking for too long.
first it was the festives, then i fell sick and afterwards i had to go back to work already.

so yesterday morning, after my night shift, i stopped by the supermarket to grab some veggies, meat and fruits.

dinner was fried rice, stir-stewed veggies and yummy ice blended kiwi-and-strawberry juice.

Custard, wanting attention as usual, mewed nonstop while we ate at the dining table beside her cage. but when i offered her some fresh veggie, she kept quiet. hawhaw.

we met Alex and Michelle, after putting Custard to sleep, to go by the aquariums and pet shops in the neighborhood and Holland V. they were looking for guinea pigs (think G-Force!), and Poppy was looking for his fish tank and other supplies.

we found that hamster ball thingy (see below), and had a good laugh thinking back on the guinea pig who farted in his ball, in the G-Force movie.

a random search on google for "guinea pig farts in ball" showed...

"his hamster ball broke from his extreme farting"

What Others Are Saying
(also taken from this page)
  • probably the best waking up experience ever
  • halp i iz trapped !!!1!!!1!
  • i hope he gives his hamster enaugh food
  • this is david he is the last of his kind and must be preserved in cativity until a mate can be found for him expectations of his realise are low
  • now that facial expression is worth a prise.
anyhoos, i bought nothing as i'm still pretty adamant that the prices i got are much cheaper! sucha cheapo i am.

got up early today, when Poppy was getting off to work.
gave Custard her breakfast of a quarter can of tuna & salmon, before making my own breakfast of fusilli pasta.

hey, she likes the tuna & salmon can too! i am SO going to buy her more cans. although she takes in a lot of water, i still think kibbles are way too dry. mixing in canned meals a few times a week are much better for her (grain-free ones, of coz).

alright, i gotta go take a nap while Custard gets her catnap too.

here's some (very) overdue pictures taken at Loyang Tua Pek Gong Temple on the 4th day of CNY.

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