Nuffnang Leaderboard

April 12, 2007

a grouch's grouse

when was the last time u received a totally pointless gift on ur birthday?

a packet of stickers
a globe with fake fishes floating aimlessly within
a senseless book
a signage or badge that reads "happy birthday. stay pretty and/or funky forever."
or any items that u'd never find a good reason to pay out of ur own pocket to be in possession of.

in fact i kinda miss getting some of these crappy stuff.
recollection of how myself, as a youth then, used to spend money purchasing some totally absurd presents for my peers. oh, the good ol' times. realization that the number of such presents offered is inversely related to the denomination of our age. coming of age, vouchers are undoubtedly the most common n practical offerings.

oh, did i mention uncreative?
at this age of technology where messengers, mobile phones, e-mails are easily accessible, yet friends no longer seem to be close enough to know what the other needs. these vouchers happen to give them the easiest way out.

out of the many people invited this weekend, apart from NeuNeu n my family, i suppose only 1 or 2 knows for sure what i actually want without asking.

oh well, send me ur crappiest n most uncreative stuff, people!
i'm all primed up.

..wah liew, got present still complain complain..

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