Nuffnang Leaderboard

February 25, 2008


finally had my hair done last Saturday.
some highlights and trimming.

tentatively no pictures coz there are a couple of MONSTROUS zits on my face. and since i have zero PhotoShop skills, i have totally no intention of exhibiting photos of my pimple-clad face on my blog.

it's the hormonal shifts in me (reads: menstruation) causing the poor skin and occasional mood swings.
ok, i 'fess up. it's more habitual than occasional..

anyway, we were on the topic of getting a PSP. since i've dismissed the idea of buying a high-end PDA phone, i've now got allowance in the budget for a PSP or i could do use the money to do something else like.. yes, travel. plenty of places i'm dying to visit. did i tell u i'm so into CHINA!
alright, i think am sure most of u probably have gotten sick hearing that from me :P

back to PSP, i tried out NFS Burnout on a friend's console and it kinda piqued my interest.
i totally dig Need For Speed!
i guess i'll go home and try out the newly installed NFS Pro Street before deciding (which also comes in a version for PSP).

okays, enough chatter.
time to get back to work.
sure hope today'll be a good start for the new week!

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