Nuffnang Leaderboard

January 29, 2007


things break.

it's not that i'm lazy but my compooter is down that's why i'm only updating now. not just the compooter is broken. i'm broke too.
any kind sponsors for that Sony laptop Mr Hu suggested?


paid Vivocity a second visit on Thursday while NeuNeu went for his CIS at Brani base. "LS"-ed after breakfast in the kampung-style food court. please don't ask me to explain what's LS (Melis knows, for sure *winkz*) i figured it could be caused by the scrumptious egg-n-toast breakfast set or the wait in the rain.

u think?

friday was stay-home day. had a arty crafty session with photos then slacked n slept the day away till it was dinner. my mom claims i'm getting fat too fast. FAT?!! guilty me put myself on the weighing scale immediately. same what, only 45kg.. er.. but not for long, i guess.. did i mention we queued for Lim Chee Guan "ba-kwa" (sliced BBQ pork) at Chinatown yesterday?

sure to get fat like nobody's business this year.
oh! did i mention he's going to queue again when the "ba-kwa" depletes?

die die.
this time sure die.

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