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July 07, 2008

Weekends are over. Boo.

and so the weekends are over. AGAIN.

in less than 4 weeks, i'll be one of the folks waiting in anticipation for the arrival of weekends and public holidays.
i can't imagine myself working office hours.

yea, most of my friends are having (or going to have) office-hour jobs and it'll be nice coz we can hang out together more often and i can enjoy family gatherings without having to rush off to work on Sundays.

plus the lift upgrade (right outside my room) that's gonna take place soon will be carried out in the daytime but i'm safe coz 'll be away at work anyway.
very much unlike the days i'm on shift and i HAVE to sleep in the daytime.

i'll miss hanging out with NeuNeu on crowd-less weekdays.

i'll miss the scenic and quiet drive back home from office after our night shifts.
the times we can happily drive in to JB without getting caught in the traffic jam for hours or have KTV sessions minus the hefty weekend/peak crowds and charges.

i sound too much like i'm starting to regret the decision already.
i'm not, ok =P

now, i'm looking forward to my holidayssss.
and Cao Ge's concert this Saturday, with compliments from Hoochie.

anyways, here's a short update on my my wonderful weekend...

we were promised to bring Meloodi and KKD to crocodile-land but it seems the one that used to be at East Coast has moved out/closed down, so we decided to bring the car for servicing in JB instead.

after the servicing, we drove over to City Square where had Japanese food for lunch and i also grabbed two linen coordinates from Mango at the sale.
no shoes because Vincci was closed for renovation.
as usual, before we returned, we bought some groceries from Giant.

i took a bus home from Woodlands interchange coz NeuNeu had to go off to work.

after work and sending HH home, NeuNeu came over.
he chattered non-stop and refused to go to sleep.
then we decided to send Bro to Marina Square and drop by Sim Lim since it's on the way.

he took a 30-minute "power nap" whilst Bro and i prepared.
managed to get a new HDD (the old one died while it was in Aussie with my bro).
i've actually got an older one (3.5") but it's not very portable and doesn't look like it'll last long either..

we went for our prayers before heading off to Vincent's house to meet Angie and Zen.
when they arrived at around 6pm, we were off to JB. again.
the most unfortunate part was that we were held up in the traffic jam for THREE HOURS!
total nightmare.
NeuNeu and i ended up playing games in the car. herhrr.

we arrived in M'sia slightly before them so while waiting, i took a nap and NeuNeu continued with his Euro 2008 tournament on PSP.
headed over to Taman Sentosa for seafood dinner when they arrived around 9pm.
i'm a sinner. it's my 2nd seafood meal for the week.
then it was Giant, then Jusco to check for movie (but there was no film that we have not watched), then finally over to Mac (near Carrefour) for a drink/snack.

headed back around 1am and plonked into bed around 3am.
and before we parted, we arranged to meet the next afternoon to look at pets.

since we were supposed to meet at 1pm, i climbed out of bed around 11am to chalk my 2nd jog for the week (i'm lagging too far behind already).
NeuNeu was still happily rolled up in his bundle of blankets like a temaki.

i returned, washed up and read the papers over breakfast.
it really should be considered lunch since it was lunchtime.
anyway, meeting time was postponed to 2:30pm so i backed up some stuff into the new HDD. NeuNeu woke up by then, had his food and we we off to Pasir Farmway to meet the rest.

Benjamin, Vincent's brother, and Alex joined us.
everyone complained of how they were struggling to stay awake on the wheel in the previous night. hah.

anyway, we browsed several per farms and aquariums.
NeuNeu and i aren't avid dog-lovers really.
i love cats and he prefers fish.
now, that doesn't sound like the perfect combi, does it?

best part is he's totally cool with keeping cats... so nice of him!
he had to emphasize that he loves cats despite them being lazy creatures... just because i'm equally lazy.
he says we can lounge and chill on the couch at home with the kitty after a day's work.

well, we didn't spot any kitties that caught our fancies.
we can't keep any at the moment anyway.
so we'll probably just drop by Qian Hu one of these days to buy more fish for the tank.

everyone headed separate ways - Alex to Autobacs, Vincent/Benjamin to soccer, Angie/Zen to church, us... HOME!
caught a bit more rest before dinner and both of us were off to work.

NeuNeu just called, and i guess he should be taking a break by now.
i'll work on my Bento recipe book a little more and take a short nap too..

let's hope everyone has a great week ahead!

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