Nuffnang Leaderboard

August 03, 2007


Last week, a Yahoo! listed the Top 20 tattoo motifs inked in the world.
Luckily mine (phoenix) is not one of the Top 20. I seriously don't want to be spotted with the identical/similar tattoo as another.

Well well, here's the result:

In the top spot, the delicate butterfly symbolizes metamorphosis, so it's no surprise that deep thinkers flock to this tattoo to represent their changing moods. Following the wings of the butterfly are 19 other critters emblazoned on arms, backs, and legs all over the world...

1. Butterfly Tattoos
2. Dragonfly Tattoos
3. Koi Fish Tattoos
4. Scorpion Tattoos
5. Tiger Tattoos
6. Dolphin Tattoos
7. Lion Tattoos
8. Dove Tattoos
9. Sparrow Tattoos
10. Eagle Tattoos
11. Ladybug Tattoos
12. Frog Tattoos
13. Wolf Tattoos
14. Turtle Tattoos
15. Snake Tattoos
16. Cat Tattoos
17. Panther Tattoos
18. Hummingbird Tattoos
19. Horse Tattoos
20. Bear Tattoos

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