Nuffnang Leaderboard

March 19, 2008

A Short Break

will be away from office for the entire week from 19th (today) to 26th.
(last minute changes, i'll be back for OT tomorrow ._.")

some time off from work to catch up on the past-due CCNA exam that's taking place on 26th.

it seems that i've lost myself amidst all the hustle bustle.
i no longer seem to remember what it is that i'm working hard for,

no longer recall the source of my motivation (if there really is any left).

this would be a wonderful opportunity for me to take a step back,
relook at my achievements in the past year(s), my aims and future plans.

over the past few days, i've established some short term goals for myself,
mainly to rekindle the passion i have... for arts.
both an excellent way to de-stress and relax myself, as well as a plausible source of income and a "backup plan" for the rainy days.
it always like me to be pragmatic (money-faced), isn't it?

firstly, the return to the studios for the continuance of piano lessons which have been throw off my mind since more than a decade ago.

which reminds me of how i dreaded going for classes because of the teacher who bore a striking resemblance to that of Godzilla. yikes.

secondly, i've set my sights on taking up a couple of photography courses -
Basic, Intermediate and Wedding photography.

a long-time interest of mine which i never thought i'd pursue seriously.

also, i'll take the chance to attend a few events and exhibitions in the local museums over the next few months since the Film & Arts Fests are both round the corner.
so, don't forget to mark down the dates on ur calendars:

Singapore Int'l Film Festival 4th April - 14th April

Singapore Arts Festival 23rd May - 22 June

last but not least, there is the impending trip to Bangkok with NeuNeu, Mommy and Bro.
perhaps another short getaway at Batam's spa and resorts, and hopefully another long trip by year-end.
still undecided on the destination though we thought Taipei in summer would make a nice vacation. other feasible destinations (in my books) include Cambodia, Siem Reap, Jakarta...

i secretly hope to have travelled the entire South East Asia by the time i turn 30.

i'm keeping fingers crossed that plans will go smoothly as this probably one of the important pivot points in my life... no time for side-tracking, i'm already a quarter of a century old now...

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