Nuffnang Leaderboard

January 30, 2011

Custard: Week 1

These 2 weeks have been terrible for both Custard and ourselves.

Though her diarrhea is gone, she still vomits constantly and then cries for attention afterwards.
When we're around during the day, she's relatively peaceful. But when we she loses sight of us, even for the slightest moment, she starts whining. This is especially bad at night, happening as frequent as every 2 - 3 hours. We can hardly catch a good, continual sleep since we will get up and check on her to see if she puked or poo poo-ed.

Poppy hardly took part in the caretaking in the past, but I think upon seeing that it's taking a toll on me, he offers to get up to check on Custard and have me stay in bed.


And so, after 3 days at work, I'm bushed and she's at it again. She persistently loitered outside the room, wanting to keep me in her sight, and I had to move her basket to my room door so that she can nap comfortably with me in sight instead of sitting on the cold, hard floor. Now, she's finally zonked out (in the basket outside the door) from the fatigue of meowing non-stop since I came home.

Get well soon, Custard.

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