Nuffnang Leaderboard

October 07, 2007


i signed up for a nuff-nang account.
yes, it's that nifty little icon above the tagboard.

i'm secretly hoping it'll earn me enough dough for some serious shopping in Taipei come January.

anyways, according to the seasoned Taipei traveler (my brother) it'll be winter-time n finally, the under-used winter wear from last year's Beijing / Hong Kong trip can come in handy.
not that the fact will deter me from getting MORE clothes though.
i'm exhilarated from that thought alone. woohoo!!!

ok, more research to be done for that.
strange, i never seem to be equally enthusiastic when it comes to CCNA.

prior to that, we also have the Kuala Lumpur trip in December.
i guess we'll miss Qing by a week or so but hopefully we can still catch Wynn, Cheng Hoe, Jo while we're there.
i wonder if we'll be staying for Jo's birthday celebration though.
we do some serious consideration if she gives us a HUGE treat.

only problem now...
we're still contemplating between a drive-in or train ride.

at least there's something(s) to keep me motivated for the next 4 months or so.

okay, back to facebook-ing for now.

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